Zeplay Release Notes
Back to support homepageZeplay Version:
Release Date:
Last Updated:
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
Release Notes:
Major Features
- [ZP-40] - File Bin can watch a folder on the filesystem and automatically import content
- [ZP-115] - File Bin can be filtered based on file names
- [ZP-117] - More macro actions for file bin
- [ZP-121] - Macro Actions to navigate list of files in the File Bin
- [ZP-122] - Add Macro Actions to Set and Clear filters in File Bin and Plays windows
- [ZP-126] - Export content faster than realtime on newer hardware
- [ZP-175] - Zeplay can import XDCAM, XDCAM EX, and XDCAM 422 Files
- [ZP-176] - Zeplay can now export XDCAM EX files
- [ZP-229] - Controller's Scrub buttons should do 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x rate instead of 1x 2x 3x
- [ZP-186] - Show warning if input resolution does not match
Minor Features
- [ZP-89] - Fade Increment Buttons are too coarse
- [ZP-156] - Clicking Channel expands the tree and selects the first channel
- [ZP-182] - Rename Exporting preferences screen to Import / Export
- [ZP-189] - Monitor C: drive to make sure that it isn't almost full
- [ZP-191] - Show a warning message when SxHWControl logs are enabled
- [ZP-195] - Add macro trigger that happens periodically
- [ZP-213] - Add an optional offset to GoToLive macro
- [ZP-225] - Zeplay shouldn't allow consolidation of DVCPro content
- [ZP-228] - BetaController registry setting should be re-applied when the controller is located
- [ZP-231] - Update Manual with new controller artwork
Bugs Fixed
- [ZP-55] - Mark In / Mark Out behave strangely while controlling a sequence
- [ZP-119] - Better feedback while stopping recording
- [ZP-123] - Clicking [Cancel] button on Go To Timecode leaves controller in inconsistent state
- [ZP-179] - Housekeeping doesn’t show all games sometimes
- [ZP-183] - Error in the editor when accessing freshly recorded content
- [ZP-184] - Channel selection doesn't behave as expected when playing sequences
- [ZP-188] - Deadlock while cueing a sequence with an active alias
- [ZP-196] - Possible crash when executing macro actions
Macro Commands